
Contact Information Location / Address
Phone: 231-882-0043
Toll Free: 800-404-5977
Child Support Specialist - Candice Swander FOC: 231-882-0023
Victim Advocate: 231-882-0062
Witness Coordinator: 231-882-0062
Witness Information Line: 231-882-0062
*Demands for discovery may be sent by email to:
Upper Level
Government Center
448 Court Place
Beulah, MI 49617
 Personnel Office Hours

Sara Swanson – Prosecutor
Amanda Craig – Chief Assistant Prosecutor
Dave Egeler - Assistant Prosecutor
Sonya Potts– Office Administrator
Karen Mallon – Victim Advocate / Witness Coordinator

Monday — Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


The Prosecutor is an elected official with a four-year term of office, as provided by the Michigan Constitution. Elections occur at the time of the Presidential election, on the partisan ballot. The elected county Prosecutor is independent of the Michigan Attorney General. 

The Prosecutor's office is responsible for a wide array of legal functions for the County, including:

  • act as the chief law enforcement official in the County
  • review, authorize, and prosecute violations of felony and misdemeanor criminal laws of the State of Michigan and County ordinances, committed inside the County
  • authorize and prosecute felony & misdemeanor juvenile delinquency offenses 
  • represent the County in criminal matters before the District & Circuit Courts; juvenile delinquency, parental neglect and miscellaneous probate matters in the Family Court, and appeals in the Court of Appeals and Michigan Supreme Court
  • advise the Michigan Dept of Human Services on child abuse & neglect petitions, and actions to terminate parental rights
  • attend contested mental health commitment hearings
  • file and prosecute actions to establish paternity
  • file actions to establish family support orders

Victim Rights

CRIME IN MICHIGAN TOUCHES ALL OF US. When one person is victimized, we all --- as a community --- suffer. If you are not personally a victim of crime, then you know a relative, friend or neighbor who is. Victims and witnesses naturally look to the criminal justice system for vindication and justice, but all too often find a court system which appears to be dedicated to protecting the very people who have caused their anger and pain.

As a result of aggressive advocacy, crime victims have recently gained many rights. The Crime Victim's Rights document below will help you to learn about those rights, tell you about compensation, answer common questions, and provide useful resources.

Crime Victim's Rights


Related Web Links

Meet Kody!

kody1Kody is our new Canine Advocate! He is a one -and-a half year old Golden Retriever. Kody's job is to help children through the court process. When a child is a victim of a crime or witnesses a crime, they often must testify about very difficult topics in front of a judge or jury. Kody will work with the Benzie County Prosecutor's Office and Sheriff's department as support and comfort for the child every step of the way. 

Kody came to Benzie County through the Leader Dogs for the Blind and the Canine Advocacy Program. He was trained through the Leader Dogs program and hand selected to be a Canine Advocate due to his ideal demeanor and personality. Kody will be handled by Detective Cody Kastl of the Benzie County Sheriff's Office. Kody is the first canine advocate in Michigan to be handled by a police officer.

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